if you don't celebrate Christmas on the 25th or at all, how do you enjoy a day off when nearly everything is closed? Many families use their vacation time to gather and visit. Some go out for Chinese food or catch a movie after theaters open in the afternoon. Jewish organizations might sponsor "Matzo Balls," socials that take place on Christmas Eve or Christmas.
So This is Christmas?
Although about 96 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25, there are still those who do not [source: BBC]. Most, of course, are non-Christians who wish to avoid both the religious and secular aspects of Christmas. Some, however, are Christians who simply observe Christ's birth on a day other than the 25th or Christians who do not believe in celebrating the nativity at all. Members of the Armenian Church observe Christmas on Jan. 6, the traditional day of the Epiphany in western churches. Russian and Ethiopian Orthodox Churches celebrate on Jan. 7. Some American Christians follow their family's European traditions and celebrate on Christmas Eve.